If you own a Windows computer that you share with other people, you can prevent access to hdd drive or to certain folders for a specific user account or for everyone.

Imagine the following scenario: You have all your important files on a secondary internal disk on your computer and you don’t want other people to view or delete them.

In this article, we will find detailed instructions on how to restrict access to a local drive (or folder), for all or for specific users in Windows 11. (The instructions apply to all Windows versions).

How to Prevent Users to Access a Local Drive in Windows 11

How to Prevent Specific Users from Accessing a hdd Drive or Folder.

The first and best method* to deny access to a hdd drive /folder is to change the user permissions on the drive/folder properties.

* Note: This is the best method because it allows you to prevent only specific users from accessing the contents of a disk unit or a folder. All other methods listed here prevent access to all users (including you).

To disallow certain users to access the contents of a folder/drive:

Method in short

1. In File Explorer, right-click the drive on which you want to deny access to specific users and then click Properties.

How to Prevent Users to Access a Local Drive in Windows 11
Open hdd Drive Properties

2. Select the Security tab, then click the Edit button.

How to Prevent Users to Access a Local in Windows 11
Edit Security in Driver Security

3. Click Add to select the user you want to prevent from accessing your drive.

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Encrypt Your computer HDD Drive for make it more secure. It’s very easy to take.
How to Prevent Users to Access a Local  in Windows 11
Edit Other user’s Role

4. Type the username* of the user you want to restrict access to, and to confirm, click Check Names. Then select OK. *

* Note: You need to know the correct username of the account you want to restrict. An easy way to view the users on your pc is to view the names of the profile folders under the “C:\Users\” folder.

How to Prevent Users to Access a Local Drive in Windows 11
Select User’s that you want to remove access

5. Now in the Permissions for local disk window, select the user you just added, and in the Permissions section, tick Deny, restricting access for Full control. Now select Apply >> OK.

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How to Prevent Specific Users from Accessing a Drive or Folder
Deny Selected user permission

6. Click Yes when prompted to apply for the permissions and then close all windows.

How to Prevent Specific Users from Accessing a Drive or Folder
Click OK

7. At this point, you have successfully prevented a specific user from accessing the selected drive. If you want to restrict access to more users, follow the same steps above.


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