7 Samsung Messages Features You Should Start Using

The default messages app on your Samsung phone or tablet has more to offer than just basic SMS texting. There are some great features you may not know about that you can start using right away to make your life easier. We’ll help you find them.

Send Messages at a Scheduled Time

You can schedule a message on Samsung Messages to send at a later date, similar to how you schedule emails. To do that, enter a conversation and type your message, then tap the arrow in the left corner. Next, tap the plus icon and select “Schedule Message” from the grid of options.

Messaging options in Samsung Messages

Set your desired schedule and press “Done.”

Schedule message in Samsung Messages

Now, just hit the send button, and your message will be sent at the appropriate time.

There’s a slightly faster way to schedule messages. Instead of going to the grid of options, you can simply long-press the send button after typing your message to reveal the scheduler. Set your desired date and time and hit “Done” to confirm.


Customize Your Chat Rooms

You can customize the chat rooms you share with your favorite contacts to give them a special look and feel. Open your desired conversation, tap the three-dots menu at the top, and select “Customize Chat Room” from the list of options.

Here, you will be able to change the background color, the opacity of the chat bubbles, and the text contrast. Use the slider to control the intensity of the effect as per your taste. You can even use an image from your gallery for the chat room background by tapping the gallery icon. If you want to start over or remove all the changes made, just hit “Reset” to revert to the default look.

Categorize Conversations for Easier Organization

You can categorize conversations to make it easier to find messages from contacts that are important to you. To do this, go to the main screen, tap the three-dots menu at the top, and select “Edit Categories” from the drop-down.

Here, tap “Add Category” and then give it a name. You may want to create separate categories for family members or coworkers, for example. Once done, tap “Add.”

offers, and even confirmation messages about bank transactions.

Useful Cards tab in Samsung Messages

You can find the Useful Cards tab on the main page itself since it comes turned on by default, but if it’s not so on your device, you can enable it from the settings. Tap the three-dots menu and select “Settings” from the drop-down and hit “More Settings.”

Settings menu in Samsung Messages

Here, toggle on “Useful Cards.”

Useful Cards toggle in Samsung Messages

Auto-Delete Old Messages to Save Space

If you’re like most people, your inbox is probably flooded with thousands of old messages, most of which are irrelevant automated messages from companies. Samsung Messages can help you get rid of them to make room for new messages and images.


tap the three-dots menu on the main page and select “Trash.”

Trash menu in Samsung Messages

Here, open your desired conversation, hit “Edit,” and select the message of your choice, then tap “Restore.”

Restoring a deleted message in Samsung Messages

The restored message will return to its original spot in the conversation.

Create Quick Responses for Frequently Sent Messages

Samsung Messages comes with a couple of quick responses by default, such as “Sorry, I missed your call,” “I’m running late, but I’ll be there soon,” and “Please call me when you get this message.” These are useful, but you might have a particular response that you frequently send to multiple contacts.


So, to avoid the hassle of having to type your message again and again or copy and paste it repeatedly in the text bar of multiple conversations, you can create your own quick responses and add them to the list. To do this, go to the “More Settings” menu and tap “Quick Responses.”

Quick Responses option in Samsung Messages

Here, tap the plus icon at the top, enter your message, and hit “Save” once you’re done.

Adding quick response in Samsung Messages

To delete a quick response, long-press it and hit “Delete.” You can adjust the position of your quick response using the slider to the side.

Although not necessary, I recommend toggling on “Show in Conversations.” Doing this shows you your saved quick responses in bubbles above the text entry field so that you can quickly tap your desired quick response and send it right away. This is much faster than having to first tap the plus icon, then select the “Quick Responses” option from the grid, and then select your desired response.

Here’s how it looks in action:

Quick Response examples in conversations in Samsung Messages

Samsung Messages is a really powerful messaging app, and you’re not using it to its full potential if you don’t dive into its settings and customize it to make it more suited to your needs. The features shown here are some of the most useful, but there are even more that offer different functionalities as well, so feel free to explore all of what the app has to offer!

About Fattain Naime

Hi, my name is Fattain Naime and I am a computer engineer and young entrepreneur. After graduating, I decided to follow my passion and start my own company, Builder Hall Pvt. Ltd. I am dedicated to using my technical skills and entrepreneurial spirit to create innovative solutions for my clients.Throughout my academic and professional career, I have developed a strong foundation in computer engineering principles, including programming languages, data structures, and algorithms. I have also gained experience in project management and business development, which has allowed me to successfully lead my own company.Since founding Builder Hall, I have worked tirelessly to build a team of talented professionals and bring cutting-edge technology solutions to the market. Our focus is on providing our clients with the best possible experience and helping them to achieve their business goals through the use of technology.In my role as CEO, I have been responsible for leading the company's strategy and overseeing all aspects of operations. I am constantly seeking out new opportunities for growth and expansion, and I am committed to building a culture of excellence within the company.Outside of work, I am an avid reader and enjoy staying up-to-date on the latest developments in the tech industry. I also enjoy spending time with my family and staying active through sports and fitness activities.If you're looking for a dynamic, driven computer engineer with a passion for entrepreneurship, don't hesitate to reach out and connect with me on LinkedIn. I'm always open to discussing new opportunities and ideas. Make the world easier.I am excited to share my skills and experience with others, and I hope to connect with like-minded individuals who are passionate about technology and entrepreneurship. Thank you for visiting my profile.

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